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News Release:
Northern Orange Republican Women (NORW)


May 29, 2009


Northern Orange Republican Women (NORW)

Karen Pollock, President


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                 CONTACT: Lauren Knapp-Resnik

May 29, 2009                                                              PHONE: 919-732-5460/ larzkins@yahoo.com



Hillsborough Republican Women Kicking Up Dust


Hillsborough is churning out a new group of Republicans intent on making voices from their county known: Northern Orange Republican Women (NORW). Orange County already is home to the Republican Women’s Club of Chapel Hill, but the now NORW is focusing heavily on the City of Hillsborough and its outer regions.


  Northern Orange County possesses a significant population of conservative voices that value their homes, land, rights, and the future of their country,” said Lauren Knapp-Resnik, Vice-President of Northern Orange Republican Women and resident of Hillsborough. “To have such an association that will help bond these people is crucial at a time when so many here feel isolated in rural areas, even helpless in playing a part towards a true active grassroots movement.” She continued, “This group will provide an outlet for women who support Republican values, yet who are uncertain where to turn to get involved.”


NORW held its first formal meeting on May 12. Regular meetings will be held the second kins@yahoocTuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Men are welcome as associate members. Republican women who are residents of other counties may also join.


The club when chartered will be in both the North Carolina and the National Federation of Republican Women, the latter one of the most powerful political women’s establishments in the nation. “NORW is excited about our role in the larger scheme of the conservative movement, which includes millions of Americans across the country incensed and fed-up with the current administration,” President Pollack declared.


Knapp-Resnik added, “There have been fatalistic claims that the Republican Party is declining. Yet based on the recent activity here in Orange County and the nationwide gatherings like Tea Parties, what I see is a more tangible conservative awareness taking hold in counties across the country. Republican women, including those down south, are a real force to be reckoned with. We’re determined.”

The next meeting will be on June 9 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Board of Elections, at 110 E. King Street in Hillsborough.


For more information visit www.northernorangerepublicanwomen.com or call Lauren Knapp-Resnik at 919-732-5460.

For More Information Contact:

Northern Orange Republican Women
Hillsborough, NC
Tel: 919-732-5460
Internet: larzkins@yahoo.com