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Northern Orange Republican Women Announcement

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Contact: Lauren Knapp Resnik

Northern Orange Republican Women held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 13th, hosting Republican candidates Buddy Parker running for Orange County Sheriff and Ryan Hilliard for NC State District, 23rd District.

Buddy Parker stressed the need for change in Orange County for safer communities, schools, and infrastructure with a higher focus on accountability and integrity while focusing on the need to mitigate what seems to be a current dominant role of politics in law enforcement.

Ryan Hilliard stressed his support for constraints in eminent domain and the cruciality of the rights of private property owners amidst the backdrop of US governmental centralization. Orange county land owners, some of the highest taxed in the state for years, are particularly sensitive to the issue of property rights and taxes. Ryan Hilliard, running against the incumbent Democrat Ellie Kinnaird, will also be present at the Friday, April 16th GOP Candidates Party at Pleasant Green Community Center in Durham at 6:30PM along with candidates Buddy Parker, Frank Roche (US Congress, 4th District), Jason Chambers (NC House District 30), Roy Taylor (Durham County Sheriff), Greg Andrews (Orange County Commissioner), Pat Ladd (NC House District 31), Cathy Wright (NC House District 54), and Roger Gerber (NC Senate District 18).

Buddy Parker and Ryan Hilliard will also be present at a GOP Meet and Greet at the Cedar Grove Ruritan Club on Saturday, April 17th from 1-4PM. Also present will be candidates Frank Roche, Greg Andrews, and Rick Smith (NC House District 50). Public attendance for support of candidates is welcome at both events.

For More Information Contact:

Northern Orange Republican Women
Hillsborough, NC
Tel: 919-732-5460
Internet: larzkins@yahoo.com